40#Wet Finger Feeling

The more tired I am, the more I find synaesthetic hallucinations can get a bit much.

I’m sitting at my laptop hunting for primary sources for a presentation I’m giving soon, and my brain is a bit fried. There is a bottle of water to my left. A moment ago I took a drink (I’m getting to the good bit, honest) and set it back down again. As I was typing, I noticed a horrid, creeping sensation sweep over me,  and felt a wet finger tracing its way down my face, neck and chest. I also felt it on my tongue (where I feel a lot of synaesthetic hallucinations), and saw a blue line. It took me a second to realise it was my brain’s way of registering that a drop of water had slipped its way down the inside of the bottle (this was long after I had swallowed my gulp of water, so it wasn’t related to that sensation). I must have caught the movement with my eye, and this caused me to feel as if the water was actually on my skin. Had I been more lively and less worn-out, the effect probably wouldn’t have been so pronounced. Perhaps its my mind’s way of keeping me alert when I’m super tired. Who knows!

*Drinks more water.

*Eyes water bottle.

* Waits in dread for wet finger feeling..